Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Mike Pence is taking the heat for the state of Indiana.  He can take it but what is it that the left does not want to understand?  Plain enough to me.  What I see is a minority extending their right to do their "thing" while at the same time denying the other person's right to do their thing.  Everyone needs to just remember that 'your rights stop at the end of my nose'!  Medicineman

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the author of ISIS or Isil or just IS said this.   "Let the world know that we are living today in a new era that will topple the idol of nationalism, destroy the idol of democracy."
Defense Secretary, Ashton Carter, said this: "The most immediate threat to U.S. national interest is ISIL."  Medicineman

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Choices: Good, Bad and Ugly

Let me start by saying I am a supporter of the Tea Party and have been since 2008.  The will be no surprise to most who read this but let me explain why.
For a long time now this country has had one party, Democrat, and one party Republican.  They used be far removed from one another and voters had a clear choice at the polls.  For years now the Democrat party has eased (or should I say ran) to the left while the Republican party has moved left to fill that gap left by Democrats.  That has left voters a chance to vote for one who wanted to give away everything and one wanting to give away ALMOST everything.
There in a nut shell is why the Tea Party has grown and now elects good conservatives to the Senate, the House and Governorships all over this country, while at the same time filling seats in state government all over this great country.  No wonder I and others love this party!....Medicine man.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

President Ted Cruz

Senator Ted Cruz announced for President.  No surprise.  We knew he would.  He has been running all over the country drumming up support.  To the surprise of a lot of both Republicans and Democrats he has quite a lot of support.  Ted is the darling of the Tea Party and is just what a lot of Americans want and, to many, what the country needs.  BUT......can he win?
First of all he will have to beat other Republicans, the Establishment.  That group of long time citizens of "Foggy Bottom".  They don't like him (a mild statement) and he is a thorn in their side.  Then he will have to face the Democrat and that seems to have already been decided with Hillary the only candidate Democrats can come up with. 
Hillary drags an enormous amount of smelly baggage around with her but it seems to not matter to her base, liberals, those who benefit from her largesse and the "low information voter" (thanks Rush).
Plus, the BIG factor; MONEY!  She has lots of it and much from foreign sources.  Maybe we will find a way to condemn that and make it stick......cross your fingers.
Then there is Bill waiting in the wings along with his boatload of garbage and that might be our ace in the hole!  See Ya---- Medicine Man.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

President Clinton II

The air ways and print media is filled with Hillary Clinton and what she did or did not do while serving (bad choice) her country.  Foreign monies from obscure and remote sources for the Clinton Foundation.  Official documents belonging to State and therefore Ours, yours and mine being stored on her personal e-mail server while she, only, decides what is Official Business (which is reverse of what the law says) but, after all, she is not just another "Secretary of State".  This is Hillary!
When the dust clears and the shouting and arm waving is all over........Hillary will be the next President.  That is, if she wants to run.  Meanwhile it is fun to speculate on what punishment she will receive!

Sunday, March 1, 2015


An election is held and a new Congress is seated and the first session is called to order.  Then, as we look around the chambers, we see the same faces in so many of the chairs.  One begins to wonder......did we have an election?  We did.  The process is just as it was when the Constitution was written.  But, the people, you and I, have lost control.  Here is what I see.

The founding fathers never envisioned a legislative body considering the office as anything but a part time endeavor, on their part, to run the business of the country.  They wanted to serve and go home.  For the first 100 years that is mostly how things worked.  Gradually that changed.  We now have a system that encourages a "career in government service" as a course of study.  The power to increase the pay and benefits for "serving" was given to those in office with the proviso that the increase took effect in the next session.  After most of them would leave that office.  With many of them continuing in office well into their old age now that proviso no longer does what it was meant to do. 

What we see now is an elite body that can do as they please.  Everything from special rates on haircuts to lunch room fare.  They have a separate retirement plan, no SS, and can opt out of Obama Care.  They write checks to pay for Capital services that bounce.  Even some owe back taxes.  With all this they continue to be elected.

The answer?  How about an amendment to the Constitution, it would have to come from the States and the people, to limit the terms served while at the same time give the power to raise salaries back to the electorate?  Think of the end result.  Influence pedaling would likely vanish.  Only dedicated servants of the people would apply for the job.  They would serve the seat then go home and go back to work.  There would be no reason for that person to run his mouth before the TV cameras because only those in his district would know who it is.  Too good to be true??


Mayor Giuliani's comment while addressing a group of Republicans raised a flood of critical remarks from the press (read that liberal).  The remark?  He expressed his belief that Mr. Obama did not love this country.  He explained that every time the President opens his mouth it is to demean the country that he is president of.  That seems like a reasonable statement to me.  How many times have we heard Obama tell the world of all the bad things Americans have done.  He goes way back in our history to dredge up the racial issue, for instance.  He tells the world how sorry he is that we have treated them so badly in the past.  Seems a correct evaluation to me.

However, every one jumped on him like a dog on a soup bone.  Even Republicans (no surprise there) who should know better.  What Rudy said is TRUE.  Everyone knows it.  It is no secret.  But!  No body wants to be "politically incorrect" and be charged as insensitive to the man's feelings.  I say?  HOG WASH!