Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Chief Petty Officer of Seal Team 7 is on trial for doing his job.  Accused by a team member of doing his job.  Just what is the job of a Seal Team?  Why did our military send them into harms way?  Was it to take look around?  Or was it to kill the enemy?  IT WAS TO KILL THE ENEMY!
Now Chief Gallagher is on trial for doing just that---he killed a wounded ISIS enemy, finished the job he was sent to do.
If you have served in any branch of the military, especially those of you who have taken enemy fire you must feel a little anger when you hear this kind of story, and this is not the first.  Everyone will agree that "War is Hell", as some famous General once said. 
Our warriors have been in some kind of conflict somewhere for longer than many of us have been alive.  What in the world does Washington expect the man in the field to do?  That warrior in the field is making snap decisions every minute, even second that he is there.  We must not make it tougher for him to do what he is sent there to do!...Medicineman!


Alot of weird items come out of Washington (the capitol that is) but this talk about retribution for descendants of slaves really takes the cake.  Not a single citizen in the U.S.A. has ever suffered the hardships of slavery!
If we do this what is to stop some from demanding to be paid for those relatives who lost their farms and homes and everything they had during the depression of the thirties?
Many of today's citizens may claim that because they had to quit school and go to work to support the family they deserve to dip into the federal pot?
Because my dad died when I was a kid I should be compensated?
Washington and those who "work" there have lost their collective minds.  Medicineman!

Monday, June 17, 2019


Benjamin Franklin is credited with that remark when asked, as he left Philadelphia Hall, "Mr. Franklin what kind of government did you give us?"
We Pledge our Allegiance to "The Flag and to the Republic for which it stands", not the democracy.  So, tell me why in today's world does everybody (especially politicians) refer to our government as a democracy?
There is a great deal of difference between the two forms of government.  Republics are formed from the individual up, with every voice being heard by the next level to the next level, all the way to the top.
In a true Democracy the majority rules.  The individual voice is lost among the crowd.  In simple terms, if your neighbors all agree that you should not have a flag pole in your yard---it comes down---majority rules.  Most of us would not put up with that for a minute.  But in our world today almost every individual must do what some "rule maker" wants us to do or pay the penalty.
That, my friend, is why it bothers me when Politicians refer to us as a....democracy!...Medicineman!

Sunday, June 16, 2019


Fathers Day comes around every year and cards are mailed and special dinners are served (with dad's favorite- even if it is only sardines and oysters).  But the important thing to remember is what dad means to you and what you remember about your dad.
As for me, I had my father involved in my life for only 11 years before he died.  And because I was born in 1929 (I always wondered if I caused the Depression) Dad was working away from home at times at whatever job came up.  He could do so many things.  He came home on weekends for a period of time in the thirties.
One might think that it made him less a father because he never had the time to "play" with his boys.  But I believe that fathers need to spend more time teaching their kids the valuable lessons of life.  The lessons, for instance, that you won't always win and failure is a great teacher.  Teach your child that there is no shame in being "second", or even "last".  Just try harder next time.  Learn more so you get a "B" instead of a "C" next grading term.
Fathers teach your children about where they came from.  Teach them how this great country was put together by great, noble, thinking men with courage and determination to form a more "Perfect Union" through blood, sweat and tears; a Republic of the People, for the People and by the People.
God help us if we ever forget that!...........Medicineman!

Monday, June 3, 2019

D-DAY +75

Too many  Americans today have no, or very little, knowledge of the history of our country, and , perhaps, the saddest part is that THEY DON'T CARE!  Winston Churchill once said;"Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it".
The invasion of Europe was in the planning stage for months.  Great effort was spent planning and organizing while keeping the secret of WHERE.  A fake army was formed made up of tanks, trucks and other war equipment, all filled with air to fool the enemy.
A little known story of fake invasion plans planted on the unclaimed body from the British morgue (the book "The man who never was) was intended to fool the enemy into thinking that the invasion would come from Italy, thus drawing German troops away from Normandy.
The invasion was delayed by weather time after time and even launched at one point and had to be called back filled with seasick soldiers.  The fleet even suffered losses from a German submarine a one point while waiting.
On June 6 156,000 troops landed on 5 beaches along the Normandy  coast, code named, Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno & Sword,  Airborne Troops had dropped inland during the night.  There were 6,000 ships and landing craft, 50,000 vehicles and 11,000 planes involved.
Some 16 million Americans participated in WWII.  In 2018 some 496,777 of those veterans still lived,  They have lived long enough to be removed from the History books!....Medicineman!