Monday, April 23, 2018


In 1938 Hitler marched into Austria and took over.  No. not with tanks and other weapons of war.  No the people of Austria invited him in like any guest in their home.  They cheered and waved the Swastika flag and showered the troops with flowers.  Hitler gave his familiar stiff arm salute as he rode in that big open staff car of his to the shouts of joy of the Austrian people.
You see, times were tough in Austria.  Inflation was rampant and money was worthless.  Crime was out of control.  People were out of work.  There were shortages of all the necessities of life.  The government was corrupt and self-serving (sound familiar)?
So what did Hitler do?  He put his "Brown Shirts" in the streets and, along with Martial Law, put crime out of business.  He closed government offices and threw the scoundrels out replacing them with his own scoundrels.  He took over industry, gave everybody a living wage.  He outlawed weapons of any kind--turn them all in or else.
It was too late when the people finally discovered that they had no freedoms.  They had given them all away.  Funny how history repeats itself!..........Medicineman!

Friday, April 6, 2018


The country spent numerous hours of TV,and other media, honoring the memory of Martin Luther King on the 50th anniversary of his murder.  Anyone who was close to him, marched with him or spent time in jail with him was called upon to tell his story (over and over in most cases).  While I have no problem with that I cannot help but think that this man has a Day, marked on the calendar, to remember him while we have Presidents Day.  We gave up recognizing Washington, our first President and the man recognized as the founder of our Republic.  Likewise, we do not honor Lincoln any longer with a special day, the man who saved the union.  Just seems to be----unequal!  We have thoughtful writers like Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell who contribute so much to those who take the time to read them.
There are many blacks in our history, men and women who have made contributions to the formation of our country who are left out of our memory bank.  A free black, Crispus Attucks, fell in the street at the Boston Massacre.  Washington's slave was with Washington throughout the Revolution.  Jim Bowie's freed slave fought and died by his side at the Alamo. Blacks have fought in every war defending this Republic..
Blacks dominate major league sports, making huge salaries while insulting the American flag as well as the fans who idolize them.  Somethin's wrong folks!....Medicineman!