Saturday, September 23, 2017


Professional athletes play for money, big bucks, to dazzle the fans with their skill.  So why is it that they have to be such ASSES?
These guys who "take the knee" rather than show respect for the flag of the country that gives them the chance to make the big bucks while at the same time thumbing their nose at the men and women who have died to protect their sorry lives make me sick!
Now those who are invited to the White House are saying they won't go because they don't like Trump.  OK, don't go.  Turn in your jersey and leave the game.  As far as I am concerned you won't be missed!......Medicineman!


Being a veteran of the Korean War.  (at least those who were there thought it was a war) I feel that I have the right to an opinion on the subject of "Victimology" that is sweeping our country today.  Right along with everyone being a victim is intolerance. 
I read someplace that about 28% of college students today know what is in the First Amendment to our Constitution, The Bill of Rights.  What a pity.  So on the campuses of our colleges and Universities the hoodlums run amuck, yelling and screaming and even beating up on those who are trying to practice their 1st Amendment rights.
If one thinks about the subject for very long it is easy to figure out that we are ALL victims in one way or another.   When growing up not everyone was the first kid picked for the scrub baseball game.  I was often the last.  Did I think I was a victim?  No!  I was glad to get to play.  If some bigger kid picked on me in school I found a way to take him behind the gym and fix the problem.  If I couldn't handle him I got some help.  But I wasn't a victim, just a participant.
Colleges have missed the boat by allowing it to go on.  Too many "Safe Havens" and other ideas to appear to be doing something instead of confronting the trouble makers with force.  A knock on the head or a kick in the seat of the pants and expulsion from school would help.
I may be too old for this world today but, let us not forget that for every action there is a reaction!....Medicineman!I

Sunday, September 17, 2017


OPERATION MARKET GARDEN.  This from original World War II Newsreels and field reports:
(September 17, 1944)  
Some three and a half months after D-Day, British Field Marshall Montgomery has launched Operation Market Garden, with some 30,000 airborne troops parachuting into Holland.  The objective of Monty's daring feat is to capture bridges over Dutch waterways, thereby allowing Allied forces to push deep into Germany.
 A live broadcast from a B-17 carrying airborne troops:  "Now we are over Holland and I'm going to move forward up to the pilot's compartment.  The nine planes ahead of us have just dropped their contingent, the dome-shaped outlines of parachutes swaying gently against the morning sky.
You can probably hear the snap as our men check the lashing on the starting line.  And here they go - one, two, three, seven, ten, fifteen - every man out of the plane and their chutes open."
From the 17th to the 25th, the raid was a failure.
Allied losses were 17,200.  Germans- 9,500.........Medicineman!

Saturday, September 2, 2017


Jeremiah Denton was a Navy Pilot who spent 7 years and seven months as a P.O.W. in North Vietnam.  Four of those years were spent in solitary confinement and was brutally treated and beaten many times, defying his captors time after time.
When released in 1973, he was the first off the plane and stepped off smiling and offered no complaints.  From and article written by Fred Barnes, here is what Denton said, "We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances.  We are profoundly grateful to our commander in chief and to our nation for this day.  God bless America."........Medicineman!