Sunday, October 30, 2016


That is what Hillary called gun owners recently in a campaign speech.
In a New York Times article it stated that Clinton was asked her thoughts on about the Australian government buy back of some 650,000 guns a few years ago.  She answered, "I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level if it could be arranged."
There is no reason to think that Hillary, if and when elected President, will not seek that "arrangement."
There are some 80 million (that is 80,000,000) gun owners in the USA, and more being added each day.  The gun industry will tell you that Obama has been the best gun salesman ever.  With that in mind one must come to the conclusion that there should NEVER BE AN ANTI-GUN MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OR SENATE!  But that will happen only when EVERY GUN OWNER VOTES!....Medicineman!

Monday, October 24, 2016


While the American people are flooded with TV Ads, bill boards, posters,bumper stickers and various other reminders that this is an election year we should pause to consider this: Why does government cost us so much?
For starters consider this.  The American people, you and I, pay our president 400,000 dollars each year to be at the helm.  Then we give him/her an expense account of 50,000 dollars.  Of course he/she must travel so we give him/her another 100,000 dollars.  Oh yes, then there is the matter of entertainment????  So 19,000dollars for that item.  So far so good.
Then then VP must be paid.  That is another 233,000 dollars from our collective pockets, plus expenses, travel, etc.
The Congress must be paid and they come in at 174,000 dollars apiece.  I won't bother to add it all up/ might spoil your day.
Of course, to make a bad thing worse, the People of this great and generous country give each of them a nice salary when they leave office.  That is so they won't have to get a job and work a little like you and me.
Why do we pension Presidents?  Are they not employable? 
When Pres. Hoover left the White House he carried his bags to the station and went home--having never taken a salary while in Washington.  Roosevelt died in office (no pension).  Harry Truman and Bess just went home and took a vacation (no Secret Service either).  Congress did, a couple years later give him a pension of 25,000 dollars.  Now the practice has gotten out of hand when those elected can vote themselves a raise???.....Medicineman!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


In recent years we have often heard the term, "War Weary" used in a conversations that go something like this: "The American people are just tired of hearing about war and the dead, and want us to just stay home and mind our own business."  Or perhaps: " I don't watch the news any more...too depressing."  In truth, most Americans could not name one way that they have been inconvenienced by the wars we have been in since Vietnam.
Today those fighting our battles are volunteers.  Not one conscript.  Most Americans will know someone killed in traffic rather than armed conflict.  Most families have not been touched by our wars, only those who are warrior families. 
Since the loss of 58,000 souls in Vietnam American loses have totaled about 7,800.  Painful as that is an imperial war-monger we are not!..........Medicineman!

Sunday, October 16, 2016


In just a few weeks I will be going to the polls ( yes I will vote), and I will make my choice between a candidate who has been in some form of government job all her life.  One who has never held a real, every day, punch a clock, earn a paycheck type of job.  Has always been into the Tax-payer's pocket book or trading political favors for big bucks.  One who has been caught in so many lies that no body is counting any more.  Or I can pull the lever for a loud mouth pop-off,vulgar, uncouth, "in your face" type who just cannot ignore a chance to make some rude comment.
So what am I to do?
What I am doing is thinking about the U.S. Supreme Court, that third branch of our Republic, the one charged with adjudicating those cases that come before the bench.  Adjudicating them according to the confines of the U.S. Constitution.  I find this to be a very sobering thought when I realize that the next President will be making two or three, maybe more, appointments to that court.  He/She will also be appointing many Federal Judges while in office. 
I cannot escape my responsibility as a citizen who believes in the stability of the only successful Republic in modern history. I WILL CHOOSE!...................Medicineman!