Thursday, December 31, 2015


With all the "Whooptido" and arm waving and hysteria is it any wonder that our children are confused?
Schools are now saying that "HE" can use the girls rest room and even the girls locker room because "HE" is "Transgendered".  Who came up with that word?  I will bet it was not Dad or Mom.  Just think back to when you were 12 -13 and all those hormones were running amok, and you were told that you could now use the girls locker room (and even shower?).
When do we pull our collective heads back into the sunshine and be sensible?.....Medicinman!

Monday, December 21, 2015


Last Summer, on August 27, the first Conference on the UN Small Arms Treaty was held.  That conference voted that the Treaty may be enforced without consensus.  George Soros and his money at work again.

Of coarse we know that Obama signed the Treaty and sent it to the Senate where it lies today waiting for ratification.

In the meantime the UN decided that the permanent seat of the "Small Arms Treaty" will be in Geneva headed by Mr. Dumisani Dladla of South Africa.  No small arms in that country.

The goal, of coarse, is to disarm you and I, Second Amendment and the Bible be damned!  Be vigilant, aware, and on guard!..Medicineman!

Thursday, December 17, 2015


In Congressional hearings today we see that there is a serious breakdown in the security of our country.  Those holding visas that have been revoked are lost.  That is Homeland Security and INS do not know if or when they left the country.  The shooter in San Bernadino fell through the cracks, despite her FACEBOOK POSTS for instance.  How many more?
Then we have the Somali Muslims in Minnesota, brought here by Clinton, Bush and Obama who are demanding, yes, DEMANDING, that the State give them pork-free Sharia law approved Welfare Food.  Yes, WELFARE FOOD!  You paid for it citizen.  Makes one feel all warm and fuzzy doesn't it?   There is more but my computer overheated!.....Medicineman!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015



Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Donald Trump said it so it has to be bad.  Stop the immigration of all Muslims coming into the USA until Government gets a handle on the problem.  Democrats went nuts, as did many Republicans.  The Whitehouse is about to stroke out.  Guess what?  The people love it.  Just makes sense to most citizens to do this because; we know that not all muslims are terrorists. That's a fact.  But, and a big but it is, every terrorist attack has been carried out by muslims.
In the midst of the great Depression President Roosevelt deported illegals to make room for citizens to have the jobs.  After Pearl Harbor Japanese Americans on the coast were moved inland to camps, partly for their own safety.  We deported others during the war as well.  Although Obama says we are not at war with Islam they are certainly at war with us!  President Truman deported illegals as well to make room for jobs for returning GIs.  Eisenhower did it again in the fifties.  Many in Washington have no clue at all how to protect its citizens and that is a very sad-sad fact!.....Medicineman!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Fantastic Journey!

Having just returned from Bangkok, Thailand I can speak to the amount of security in the Airports in the middle and far East.
On the return trip from Bangkok I quickly learned to hold my Passport in my hand, as I had to show it every time I changed from one line to another.  But when I think seriously about it I am glad for them to be so cautious on those flights coming our way.
The reason I was in Bangkok was to attend the wedding of a young man who came to our neighborhood as an exchange student some twenty years ago.  We were friends then and remained in touch all the ensuing years, thus the invitation.  I was treated as one of the family and pampered as a valuable possession.
Thailand is a country of about 65 million with 10 million of them in the city of Bangkok.  Once known as Siam it is a mixture of many cultures, Indian, Chinese, Laos, Cambodia and others.  95% Buddhist and 5% Christian.  Bangkok has been spoken of as the "Venice of the East" because of the many canals joining the Chao Phreya river which runs to the Gulf of Thailand.
I can now take this trip off my "Bucket List" and, at age 86, I am still in  wonder at my good fortune to have done such a thing....Mediicineman!