Friday, March 21, 2014


I'm confused!  Yes, have been for some time.  This vast country was settled by Christians looking for a place to escape ruling tyrants.  This Republic was formed by American Christians with an eye on the idea that we are all equal in the eyes of God.  Was it perfect?  Not at all.  As Winston Churchill said, "This government is the worst government in the world.......except for all the rest."  No not perfect but good enough to makes us the richest country in the world,
This is what confuses me; We open Congress sessions with prayer.  The Ten Commandments are posted over the door to the Supreme Court, but can't be displayed in a county court house.  Must not mention God in school.  Military Chaplains must be careful about the name God in prayer (egads,who else can we pray to?).  All over Washington are buildings with God's name inscribed. 
We have a president who among his closest advisers are a bunch of Muslims, and who  wears a Muslim wedding ring.  (See why I am confused?)
Our rulers in "ole Foggy Bottom" denigrate the military.  Obama hates uniforms, cuts their pay and allowances, and fails in his promise to "punish and bring to justice those responsible for Benghasi".
Every attack on this country and it's military in the last 30 years has been committed by, you guessed it, Muslims, from the Boston bomber to the Marines Barracks in Lebanon.  (beginning to see why I am confused?).
We are failing to educate our children.  Oh, we teach them all the sports, and encourage them in that at every turn, but we don't teach them about our beginnings, our history, the struggles and the heroes that emerged from those struggles.  Our children's minds are like sponges.  They will soak up this knowledge in a hurry if we offer it to them, but, if we fail, they will fill their minds with false information and teachings that we will not like.
I am confused because we have a National Debt that is staggering and growing by millions daily.  Why are those occupying seats of power not attacking that?  Ah-ha, perhaps now I am beginning to see the light!