Friday, November 15, 2013

A Day in Dealey Plaza-50 years ago

"Don't go to Dallas, Mr. President."  That was the advice of those around President Kennedy on November 22, 1963.  Dallas was considered a hot-bed of opposition to the President and his advisers feared there would be violence if he went.
But it was less than a year until the election and Kennedy wanted to meet the people, press some flesh, make some speeches and put the Bay of Pigs failure to rest.  Kennedy was confident that the people would great him with cheers not jeers.  He was so confident that he told the Secret Service that he did not want the "bubble" on the open Limo.  This proved to be a mistake.
As the procession passed the Book Depository building Lee Harvey Oswald, using a $12 mail order Italian Carcano Carbine made in the late thirties fired three shots and the president was struck as was Gov. Connaly seated in front of Kennedy.  The President died minutes later in the Hospital.
For 50 years there have been many investigations, much controversy, and still doubt in the minds of many Americans. For good reason.
Oswald barely qualified with rifle in the service, was a mediocre soldier, went to Russia and married there and came to this country.  He visited Cuba and reentered the states through Mexico.  After leaving the Depository Oswald shot and killed a police officer and was finally arrested in a movie theater.  He never told his story for he was shot  and killed by Jack Ruby on the way to jail.
The records are sealed for 75 years.

A Lie is a Lie is a Lie is a Lie-----Unless-----------

Time after time our ill-prepared President told us "If you like your plan you can keep your plan.  If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."  Over and over it went on.  Now, all of a sudden, no-no, "That's not what I said."  His explanation went something like this; "I said that if you liked your plan you could keep your plan, IF it met the standards of ACA (Obamacare).  Oh, now I get it!  Boy do I feel better!  Don't you?