Wednesday, December 28, 2011

He did it again

Obama has told Congress that he has no intention of obeying the language in the spending bill that prohibits any part of the funds to pay for his Csars.  Also he says that part about not using any of these funds for his anti-Second Amendment activities he will ignore.
Such is the man we elected.  How sad!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

The season that Christians celebrate the Saviors birth always brings out the nastiest of the naysayers.  They are not content to just NOT celebrate Christmas or at least to just have the tree and the presents, and forget about Jesus.  No they must rant about Christians forcing them to do something they do not want to do.  How boring must their life be?  I just tell them MERRY CHRISTMAS!

The Rich?

It's funny how everybody who hates the rich buy lottery tickets!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Study the issues

Don't pay too much attention to the talking heads on TV.  Also read between the lines of any OpEd and pay close attention to who wrote it.  You are smart enough to make up your own mind about the man running for any office.  But remember this.  If we elect a president that has nor regard for the Constitution then this country is no longer a free Republic but a slave state.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The real meaning

All Americans should read the Declaration of Independence at least once a year.  The founding Fathers wanted to make sure that the roll of government was not misconstrued by future generations. That's us!
For instance.  What is the primary roll of the Federal Government?  It is to protect us from foreign and domestic bad guys.  The phrase: "Provide for the general welfare" has degenerated from it's original meaning to one that means food stamps, medicaid and dependence upon the Tax-payer.  What a difference 75 years makes. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Old Oaken Bucket

Today Purdue is at Indiana, the traditional "Bucket" game.  GO BOILERMAKER!

Friday, November 18, 2011

reugene: Say one thing-do another!

reugene: Say one thing-do another!: Candidate Obama stumps the world telling all who will listen that he is "focused on job creation like a laser". At the same time he stalls ...

reugene: "Was not aware"

reugene: "Was not aware": It seems that every Cabinet member is a little behind in reading their mail. They all have the same answer to questions; "I was not aware"....